Four Word Game
Make identical words in rows and columns
Have you been playing a lot of word games ever since ‘Wordle’ became one of the most searched terms on the internet in 2022? Well if you are, this article is definitely for you.
There is a certain magic in words. There are just so many different ways you can use them and make them more interesting. In Four Word Game, you will find exactly that!
Take a look at this image below. It has four words: OATH ACRE TRUE HEED
Notice anything special? No? Look again. Try reading the grid vertically now for instance. If you looked carefully, you would see that the words read the same in both rows and columns.
These patterns are fascinating indeed! There are several such combinations of words that can be made such that the grid can have the same words in both rows and columns. In Four Word Game (also called as Four Word Grid on the web), we have created several such grids and scrambled them for you. We’ve also color coded it just like Wordle (green means the letter is in the correct position, yellow means the letter is in the row but not in the correct position and grey means the letter is not in the row.
To make it challenging, you have just 15 swaps in which you need to get the grid sorted. Also once you get good at it, you will be to play the game in Hard Mode, where you will be shown only the greens and no yellows.
Download the app on Google Play Store at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.wesay.fwgapp
Play on the website (just one grid a day): https://fourwordgrid.web.app/#/
If you like the game, do share it with your friends and family!