Joined Words: A word game for all ages

Solve three riddles. Guess the word!

Radha Mandayam


Ever since Wordle rocked the world by making the user wait for its next word, it completely changed the paradigm of apps and games. All apps and games were focused on how to make the user spend more time each day with them. Daily engagement time, Day 1 retention, Day 7 retention, Day 30 retention etc. were the core metrics that defined the success of an app. With Wordle, it was not about the amount of time you spent on the app, nor how fast you could crack the word. The entire game promised that it would not take more than 5 mins of your time in the day. Even if you wanted to there was nothing you could do once you had solved the day’s word. It induced the feeling of scarcity and we all know that humans tend to value only what is scarce, rather than what is available in abundance.

I liked this idea. It inspired me to convert an app called Joined Words that I had made into a daily web based game. Unlike Wordle and its many many siblings that have cropped up, this is not a grid based word game. This is a game about compound words. Compound words or joined words are words that are made up of two words like football, watermelon or standstill. Each word is described with three riddles — the first word, the second word and the whole word. Try solving this for example.

First Word: A part of the body

Second Word: A steady rhythmic sound

Together: A really good looking guy!

Could you guess this? If you don’t want to know the answer, pause reading here!

Now I will explain the answer to this.

A part of the body: Heart

A steady rhythmic sound : Throb

A really good looking guy : Heartthrob

The answer to this riddle was Heartthrob! You need to find the one compound word which fits to all the three clues. In almost all cases there will be only one word which will fit for all the three clues. If you liked this game, do try playing Joined Words Daily, a word game that will give you three new clues each day at this location.

As a parting gift, try solving this word. You can post your answer in the comments

First Word: Something you can see on a beach

Second Word: A mix of wind and rain

Together: It happens in a desert

Have fun playing Joined Words. You will get a new word each day on the website to rack your brain!

